Gift aus dem Supermarkt Glutamat


Glutamat, das Gift aus dem Supermarkt

Hefeextrakt Glutamat Geschmacksverstaerker Nahrungsmittelindustrie

Ekelessen - Gifte (Glutamat, Farbstoffe), Kleber und Chemie in Lebensmitteln

Food Inc - Was essen wir wirklich Essen - Aus der Giftküche MSG kills kids - Part 1 The Truth about MSG Monosodium Glutamate Clinical Nutrition The Truth about MSG Monosodium Glutamate Clinical Nutrition What effects does MSG have on diet, obesity, health and food cravings? Because MSG is absorbed very quickly in the gastrointestinal tract (unlike glutamic acid-containing proteins in foods), MSG could spike blood plasma levels of glutamate. Glutamic acid is in a class of chemicals known as excitotoxins, high levels of which have been shown in animal studies to cause damage to areas of the brain unprotected by the blood-brain barrier and that a variety of chronic diseases can arise out of this neurotoxicity. Dr. Vincent Bellonzi is a chiropractor and a Certified Clinical Nutritionist. He has been in practice for over 12 years. He received his Doctorate from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1991. Since 1998, Dr. Bellonzi has practiced in the Austin area. He works with athletes at every level to provide sports conditioning and rehabilitation. Visit Dr. Bellonzi's website at This video was produced by Psychetruth © Copyright 2007 Austin Wellness Institute. All Rights Reserved.



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